What is Serverless Architecture?

MD TECH Consultancy Services
2 min readDec 24, 2020

Serverless architecture is a network design trend in which applications are hosted by third-party platforms, removing the client’s requirement for server software and hardware maintenance. Applications are broken up into separate functions, which can be invoked and scaled independently.

The Three prominent cloud vendors — Amazon, Google, and Microsoft — are heavily involved in Serverless. We’ve seen several books, open-source ventures, conferences, and tech vendors devoted to the subject.

Despite the term, it doesn’t necessitate running a code without a server. It is used when the corporation or the person who owns the device does not have to buy, contract, or supply servers or virtual machines to run the backend code.

Your application will still be operating on servers, but you no longer need to provide, scale, and manage servers to handle your software, databases, and storage systems.

Why use serverless Architecture?

Using a serverless architecture, the developers will concentrate on their main feature instead of maintaining and running servers or runtimes, either in the cloud or on-site. This reduced overhead allows developers to recover time and resources to produce large-scale and stable products. Everything you need to do is think about your code.

Who should use Serverless?

In specific, you should start using a serverless provider if you have a limited number of functions that you need to host. If the application is more complicated, a serverless architecture will be useful, but you will need to build your application differently. If you have an existing application, this may not be feasible. Transferring small parts of the program to serverless functions over time can make more sense.

What are its advantages?

1. Lower Costs — Serverless storage is usually very cost-effective, as conventional cloud backend service providers often result in customers paying for wasted capacity or idle CPU power.

2. Simplified scalability — Developers using serverless architecture don’t need to think about regulations to expand their code. The serverless provider does all the scaling on demand.

3. Simplified backend code — Developers can construct essential functions that serve a single task separately, such as creating an API call.

4. Quicker turnaround — Serverless design can dramatically reduce market time. Rather than a complicated process for deploying bug fixes and new features, devs can introduce and modify code on a gradual basis.

What More in Future.

Usually, when a particular serverless feature has not been called in a while, the vendor shuts down the function and prevents over-supply. The next time a customer runs an application calling that service, the serverless provider will re-spin it and start hosting the function again. This startup period adds substantial latency, known as ‘cold start.’

If the service is up and going, it will be supported even quicker on future requests (warm starts), but if the feature is not demanded again for a time, the function will go inactive again. This ensures that the next user to ask this feature would encounter a cold start. Until recently, cold startups were considered to be a required trade-off with the use of serverless functions.

